
Contraindications that restrict Gua Sha Treatment:

Hypersensitive skin: Use gentle pressure and a short routine, and watch the areas where you are using Gua Sha.

Hyper-keratosis: Go around the area.

Migraine/headache: Use a shorter routine and drink plenty of water.

Conjunctivitis: Avoid the area.

Known allergies: Only use products that suit you.

Cuts: Avoid the area.

Eczema: Avoid the area.

Botox/dermal fillers: Avoid the area for 6 weeks, and then only use gentle pressure.

Skin allergies: Only use products that suit you.

Inflamed nerve: Consult your therapist or doctor before doing Gua Sha.

Fever: Avoid

Localised swelling: Avoid and consult your doctor or therapist.

Sunburn: Avoid

Sinusitis: Consult your therapist.

Pregnancy: Consult your therapist or doctor

Bruises: Avoid the area.

Eye infection: Avoid the area.

Diarrhoea/vomiting: Wait until feeling better.

Inflammation: Consult your therapist or doctor.

Abrasions: Consult your therapist or doctor.

Neuralgia: Consult your therapist or doctor.

Recent fractures: Avoid for a minimum of 3 months, and then consult your therapist or doctor.

Contagious or infectious diseases: Avoid.

Trapped/pinched nerve affecting the treatment area: Consult your therapist or doctor.

Under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol: Avoid.

Scar tissue: (2 years for a major operation and 3 - 6 months for a small scar) Consult your therapist or doctor.

All treatments should be used as complementary therapies and not as a replacement for conventional medical care. Always consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment, especially if you have pre-existing conditions, are pregnant, or are on medication.